MOVN Care is a department within MOVN that promotes the values of sports. It is also responsible for making the entire organization complying with the standards of sustainability, diversity and inclusion.
In order to achieve our goals, MOVN Care creates, manages or supports projects enhancing the positive impact of sports on society. We focus on six verticals: grassroots, development through sport, women in sport, education, peace and environment.
MOVN Care also counts on a team of elite athletes, within the HEROES program. They are all recognized champions with impressive track records in their respective disciplines. They all share a passion for giving back what sports has brought to their lives. They do so by supporting and participating in MOVN Care projects.
There is a miniapp within the super-application called “MOVN Care” with a directory of foundations. Any member of MOVN can donate part of their $MOV to their preferred foundation.
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